Site Visit Schedule

This SiteWatch Schedule is for members to post a planned site visit and for other SiteWatch members to join the outing.


Here are a few guidelines:

  • Post the Date and location of the outing in the header (topic).
  • In the body of the topic include the following:
    • Meeting location, plus departure & expected return times, 
    • A brief description of the trip,
    • Reminders to bring a lunch or snack (as appropriate), dress warm (or cool), bring sun block, hat, water, etc.

How to receive an email from each posting:

  • On the screen below, select "Subscribe" over on the right hand side.  This will cause you to receive an email once a day if someone has made an addition the day before.  If there are no changes, you won't receive emails.

How to post a scheduled Site Visit:

  • Using the screen below, select "Create Topic" to post a new listing.
  • At the next screen enter the necessary information (per the guidelines above).  [Take a look at my "Dec 24 - Valle Vidal Site Visit" posting for an example.]
  • Select "Subscribe to Topic - Daily" (on the left) and then select "Create".
  • These steps will create a posting that all authorized user can view and add to (sign up for).

How to view scheduled Site Visits:

  • From the list below, select the Site Visit you're interested in by selecting that "Subject".
  • On the next page select "Subscribe" on the left and then select "New Comment".
  • Use this "New Comment" field to ask more questions &/or to sign up. 
  • When finished with your comments, select "Post".

This process will send an email to the organizer of the trip.  Also, if there are other changes or additions to this post you will receive an email once a day.  If there are no changes, you won't. 

You should probably check the website posting befoe any planned trips to make sure everything is on track and you didn't miss a critical email.

Let me know if there are any problems or confussion with this process.

Thanks, CJ - cjj721@q  776-3956

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Taos Archaeological Society

PO Box 143

Taos, NM, 87571

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