TAS Virtual Speaker Series About Taos Archaeological Society lectures are free and open to the general public. Lectures are held the second Tuesday of every month, September through May (except December), at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Note: Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, TAS lectures will be held virtually. Presentations will be recorded and posted below. TAS will ask the permission of the speaker. In some cases, the speaker may not want the presentation recorded, and we will honor their decision. How to Participate:
- Copy the Zoom ID: 545 842 9500 - Click this link (which will open Zoom - Paste in the Zoom ID & Enjoy! Upcoming TAS Virtual Lecture:
Olmec and the Maya Connection Phil Alldritt Archaeology on the Gulf Coast of Mexico is progressing and making new discoveries about who the Olmec were and using Lidar hundreds of new sites are being located. Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away excavations at Ceibal Guatemala are revealing the Maya were building Preclassic structures and developing complex quickly at the same time the Olmec society was still flourishing. Where did glyph writing begin? Who was worshiping Jaguars first? Did the Maya migrate fom somewhere else or develop their cities from a local Archaic population of hunter-gatherers? We will investigate these connections Phil Alldritt is an Instructor of Anthropology and Archaeology at the University of New Mexico -Taos. He worked on the Cuello Belize Archaeological Project and the Nohmul Archaeological Project in 1987 and 1989. He excavated at Quim Chi Hilan in 1993 in on the Projecto de Arqueologia de Petexbatun in Guatemala.. He has been a professional guide for Mayan archaeological sites in Belize and Guatemala since 1985. He has been a Belizean National Tour Guide Instructor for the Belizean Government. He has a Master's Degree in Latin American Studies from the University of Arizona. |
April 13, 2021
Protecting Greater Chaco: Where We Stand in 2021
by Paul F. Reed
Paul Reed has been a Preservation Archaeologist with Archaeology Southwest since 2001. He is based in Taos, New Mexico and still works as the occasional Chaco Scholar at Salmon Ruins, New. Reed’s most recent writing is an edited book (with Gary M. Brown as co-editor) entitled Aztec, Salmon, and the Pueblo Heartland of the Middle San Juan, published in SAR Press’ Popular Series in 2018. He also served as editor (and author of several chapters) on Chaco's Northern Prodigies: Salmon, Aztec, and the Ascendancy of the Middle San Juan Region After AD 1100, published by the University of Utah Press (2008). Reed was also editor (and author of several chapters) of the three-volume, comprehensive report entitled Thirty-Five Years of Archaeological Research at Salmon Ruins, New Mexico published in 2006. His other books – The Puebloan Society of Chaco Canyon (2004) and Foundations of Anasazi Culture (published in 2000; as editor and author) have explored the origins of Puebloan culture and Chaco Canyon.
During the last six years, Reed has been working to protect the Greater Chaco Landscape from the effects of expanded oil-gas development associated with fracking in the Mancos Shale formation. Through a series of meetings and forums with public officials, Tribal leaders, various US Government agencies, and New Mexico’s Congressional delegation, Archaeology Southwest and its partners have focused on expanding protections to sites, traditional cultural places, and fragile landscapes in the greater San Juan Basin. The most recent effort on this front is to partner with the Pueblo of Acoma to complete a focused ethnographic study of Acoma’s connections to the Greater Chaco Landscape.
Among his other interests, Reed leads tours to Salmon and Aztec Ruins, Chaco Canyon, the Chuska Valley, and the Navajo Country, and gives public presentations on different topics in southwestern archaeology and history. Reed has conducted fieldwork and research in the Southwest for more than 30 years. From 1993 to 2001, Reed directed a roads archaeology research program for the Navajo Nation Archaeology Department, Farmington, New Mexico. Reed completed his Bachelor of Arts (1986) and Master of Arts (1989 in anthropology and archaeology) degree at New Mexico State University.
March 9th, 2021
Ongoing Investigations at the BaahKu Archaeological Site
by Dr. Catrina Banks Whitley
Join us as Dr. Whitley discusses recent excavations of the Baaku site, here in Taos County!
Occupation of the Taos Valley was one of the latest areas inhabited by Ancestral Puebloans and is interpreted as a frontier area. Recent excavations at the BaahKu archaeological site provide an example of an architectural construction unique to the Taos Valley along with unusual abandonment processes. This research presents a comparison between two pit houses in close proximity to each other, to highlight the differences present in the Valley providing evidence for the frontier hypothesis. We will also present a greater geographic architectural analysis for the Taos Valley through time.
Click Here to watch
February 9, 2021
Unraveling the Long Road to the Maize Diet in the Neotropics of Mesoamerica
by Dr. Keith Prufer
Pollen and starch grain evidence indicates that domesticated maize (Zea mays subspecies mays) first appears in the Balsas region of Mexico by ~9,000 years ago, but few data exist on when corn became an integral part of the human diet in Mesoamerica. In this talk I present new data for a transect spanning 9,500-1,200 years ago of stable isotopes of carbon showing the adoption of maize was gradual, later than might be expected, and resulted in a maize dependent diet in the neotropics by 4000 B.P.
Dr. Keith M Prufer is a Professor of Anthropology and director of the Environmental Archaeology Laboratory at the University of New Mexico. For 25 years he has conducted excavations in the Maya Lowlands focusing on human-environmental relationships. His newest project is investigating the Paleoindian and Archaic origins of humans in the neotropics through studies of diet, technology, and genomics.
January 12, 2021
Mimbres and Paquimé
by Dr. Steve Lekson
Two Part Presentation
December 8, 2020
Fascinating Finds: Seven Bizarre and Extraordinarily Informative Artifacts Found Behind the Palace of the Governors
by Matt Barbour
November 10, 2020
William Henry Jackson: Pioneer Photographer, Freehand Artist
and Archaeologist
by Bob Blair
Looking at Jackson’s 99 year life span with an emphasis on his Southwestern archaeological work and the relevance of his life’s work today.
Social Groups at the Basketmaker-Pueblo Transition:
Interpretations from the Procession Panel
The Political Power of Landscape Change
in the Chacoan World
by Kellam Throgmorton Indigenous Symbolism in Ceramic Iconography
Turkey Feather Blanket Production Demonstration
Summers of 1989, 1990, 1991
Llano Quemado Archaeology Site - Taos NM