The Taos Archaeological Society subscribes to the following Code of Ethics and enjoins its members, as a condition of membership, to abide by the standards of conduct stated below:
- To comply fully with all federal, state, local and Indian tribal laws, and the provisions of the New Mexico Cultural Properties Act, relating to archaeological and historical sites and the preservation of antiquities.
- To respect the integrity of private land, and the rights of its owners, and to adhere to the conditions and stipulations made by landowners in granting permission for archaeological work to be performed on their land.
- To abide by all laws and customs when on land under the governance of the several Indian tribes.
- Under no conditions ever to engage in illicit digging or gathering on archaeological or historical sites, in disturbance of graves, or in any activity of cultural significance for personal use or commercial gain.
- To leave campsites, picnic areas and work sites in a natural state, free of litter, animal waste, refuse and obvious disturbance.
- To be alert for signs of pot-hunting, vandalism, destruction or disturbance of archaeological or historical sites, structures and artifacts; to report such activities promptly to the nearest law enforcement agency.